30 Playtime Ideas - Week 2

Last week I was in charge of a large family reunion for about 50 people, so we didn't quite make it through the entire list, but we did accomplish most of them plus a few.  One of our favorites was Roll tag and the Mini Pillow Fights.
This week we have some new fun things to do.  Here is the list:

Flashlight Tag:  Wait until it's dark, (a bit hard to do in the summer,) and give everyone a mini flashlight.  We usually use the small ones from Harbor Freight.  Turn off all the lights in the house and select a person to be it.  While that person closes their eyes and counts the rest of the family uses their flash lights to find a great hiding spot.  Then they turn off their lights.  When the person who is it finishes counting they can turn on their light and search the house to find the hiding players.  If they find you then you are caught and wait for them to find the rest of the players.  Once the have found everyone the first person they found is the new it person.  My kids are terrified of the dark and they still love this game as long as they get their own flashlight.

Bikes and Scooters Tag:  This game is a lot like it sounds.  It's tag, but faster.  We get out all of our bikes, scooters, plasma cars and more and play tag on the sidewalks of our cul de sac and our driveway.  Use all safety precautions for this game, but it is super fun.

Beehive Tickle Tag:  One person is it, usually mom, and the others keep a safe distance.  The it person puts their cupped hands together to make a beehive type shape and says, "Here is the Beehive.  Where are the bees?  Hidden inside where nobody sees.  Soon they'll come creeping out of their hive.  1, 2, 3, 4, 5."  Then they make buzzing sounds while they chase and tickle the other players with their fingers (the bees.)

Charades:  You can do these as individuals or divide into groups of two.  Choose a theme like nursery rhymes, Disney stories or super heroes.  Then each person or team acts out their story for the rest to guess.

Hula Hoop Competition:  If you have enough, everyone gets their own hula hoop and you see who can last the longest without the hula hoop falling down.  If you need to make it harder you can add complications like walking or jumping while keeping the hula hoop rhythm going.

Whose Line is it Anyway - Kid Version:  For this one I give one of my kids a scenario and they have to immediately go into character.  The rest of us join in and it is an instant theater production.  The kids love this one, and sometimes they give me a scenario too.

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Planning Playtime: 30 Playtime Ideas - Week 2

Tuesday, June 4, 2013

30 Playtime Ideas - Week 2

Last week I was in charge of a large family reunion for about 50 people, so we didn't quite make it through the entire list, but we did accomplish most of them plus a few.  One of our favorites was Roll tag and the Mini Pillow Fights.
This week we have some new fun things to do.  Here is the list:

Flashlight Tag:  Wait until it's dark, (a bit hard to do in the summer,) and give everyone a mini flashlight.  We usually use the small ones from Harbor Freight.  Turn off all the lights in the house and select a person to be it.  While that person closes their eyes and counts the rest of the family uses their flash lights to find a great hiding spot.  Then they turn off their lights.  When the person who is it finishes counting they can turn on their light and search the house to find the hiding players.  If they find you then you are caught and wait for them to find the rest of the players.  Once the have found everyone the first person they found is the new it person.  My kids are terrified of the dark and they still love this game as long as they get their own flashlight.

Bikes and Scooters Tag:  This game is a lot like it sounds.  It's tag, but faster.  We get out all of our bikes, scooters, plasma cars and more and play tag on the sidewalks of our cul de sac and our driveway.  Use all safety precautions for this game, but it is super fun.

Beehive Tickle Tag:  One person is it, usually mom, and the others keep a safe distance.  The it person puts their cupped hands together to make a beehive type shape and says, "Here is the Beehive.  Where are the bees?  Hidden inside where nobody sees.  Soon they'll come creeping out of their hive.  1, 2, 3, 4, 5."  Then they make buzzing sounds while they chase and tickle the other players with their fingers (the bees.)

Charades:  You can do these as individuals or divide into groups of two.  Choose a theme like nursery rhymes, Disney stories or super heroes.  Then each person or team acts out their story for the rest to guess.

Hula Hoop Competition:  If you have enough, everyone gets their own hula hoop and you see who can last the longest without the hula hoop falling down.  If you need to make it harder you can add complications like walking or jumping while keeping the hula hoop rhythm going.

Whose Line is it Anyway - Kid Version:  For this one I give one of my kids a scenario and they have to immediately go into character.  The rest of us join in and it is an instant theater production.  The kids love this one, and sometimes they give me a scenario too.

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